Friday, June 02, 2006

The Old Gits have been born.

We enjoyed our first rehearsal on Wednesday at Carlo's. He has a sound-proofed garage in his back garden - and as hard as we tried, the neighbours never complained once. And I thought rock and roll was all about being a rebel ! That's why I've set up this BLOG - dedicated to our latest escapade - The OLD GITS.

At the moment, we are :-

Mick on guitar, Carlo on drums, and me on the bass.

We have Alan waiting in the wings, also on guitar, but he can't be bothered to play yet - I definitely think that he qualifies to be part of the Old Gits with an attitude like that.

The first session went extremely well. Mainly due to the copious supply of Red Wine from our host. Now don't get me wrong - but when I first started out playing bass, we used to practise in smoke filled bedrooms (with the windows wide open to get rid of the stink), fag wedged into the headstock strings, 12 pints of lager balancing precariously on the amplifier and last week's smelly socks strewn across the floor - did I mention sick on the carpet . . . sorry, forgot about that !

So - we've now reached THAT age when we drink red wine while rehearsing - it comes to us all.

Of course, now that we're Old Gits we can embrace it with pride and dignity - because we just don't give a bollocks any more - so there !


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